Friday, July 22, 2011

Cooling Center

One evening when we were watching the news during supper they were having a telethon to raise money to buy air conditioners for those you did not have A/C or could not afford to run theirs.  Jim made the comment that it seemed kind of strange that he had A/C in his workshop and some people did not even have it in their homes.  Well it may make him feel a little better to know . . .
. . . that Ellie has finally decided that it is too hot to be a dog.  The past couple of days when I have come home from work or town I have not been able to find her.  The first time I looked in her usual places and couldn't find her and figured there was no way she was in the shed.  But there she was all stretched out enjoying the pleasant 76 degrees.  They have been telling us on the news to take care of the elderly, well she is 98 in dog years! WOW!!!!
Well, today when I passed through Ellie's cooling center I heard a faint noise and realized she had company in the center and Jim was not going to be happy.   The mother cat decided that behind this clamp rack, really close to the A/C was the purr-fect place to have a litter of kittens.
I counted at least 6! She had an earlier litter this spring and none of them survived so I guess she thought this was a great place for these guys.  Jim and this cat have quite a history and she is definitely on life 10 or maybe 11.  If she is smart she will be looking for a change of address before Jim gets home from work.